Friday, April 30, 2010

Muslim girls and the workforce

Even though it is hard for a Muslim woman to get a job in a foreign country many women try to get in the workforce. Muslim Girls always have goals in their life to go to school major in a career that they truly are interested in and get a job in their field of career. Their are many obstacles but that does not stop them from having goals and trying. When I say obstacles many people may think that these obstacle are family related. For example the parents don't allow their girls to work. Since they have to interact with many men at their work place. However this is not true. When parents decide to leave their own country and come to the U.S they are only doing that for their children. They want their children to have better jobs and a better education then they ever had. For girls most of the obstacles come from the society they are living in. Just like a lot of young girls Muslim girls hope of getting married one day but like most people might not think most of Muslim girls like to finish there education first. Because for years and in the Middle East girls have trouble getting educated and going in to the workforce they feel the urge to get educated and work outside of their country to prove to the world and to themselves that they can be educated and and work .


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