Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Muslim experiences in America

I want to talk about my experience in America. I came to the U.S with my family on April 20, 2000. When we go here it was at noon Muslim families were waiting for us in the airport. We have never or talked to these families but the U.N asked them to come. It felt good that someone cared. We were really confused at first we lost track of the time and day. After having lunch at on the the Muslim families house they took us to our house where the U.N had rented for us. It was around Easter time so their were bunnies, eggs, and jelly beans all over the house. Now I know that it was Easter but back then I had no idea. We slept and we woke up went to another family's house. I thought it was around sunrise but afterwards my dad told me that its at night. It is really hard to get adjusted to time because when it is night here it is day overseas. Even though their was one month left for school to end we went to school. I was a 6th grader. I did not speak English at all not even one word. The only words that i knew were YES and NO. At school I knew nothing. Kids used to stare and whisper but I had no idea why and what were they saying. To learn English they used to take me to the library and asked me to open the dictionary and write down the words. It was kind of torture. Because I was just copying what I saw. I got over it after couple of years and I learned English. Kids used to give me hard times because of my Hijab and I heard a lot of words that hurt me especially after 9/11 but I learned to ignore what I hear because they kids were not mature and they were ignorant.


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