Monday, April 19, 2010

Muslim girls and College

Muslim girls growing up in America have many challenges in keeping up with their social everyday life and their religious life. However many Muslim girls feel that can basically do the same things as their non-Muslim friends do. The only problem facing Muslim girls is to know where to draw the line. And I believe that ALL girls from different religions and/or cultures have to know where to draw the line and say NO. All through out school and especially in College everyone is at least invited to a party once or twice. But for Muslim girls this is not accepted. Since Muslim girls are not allowed to dance with the opposite sex and drink.(This goes for Muslims boys too). However, Muslim girls basically do everything else with friends, shopping, eating out, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, and simply just having FUN. What is also very interesting is that Muslim girls make friends with non Muslims girls more often than they do with Muslim girls. I think this is because in schools their are more non Muslims than Muslims so Muslims have no other choice then to make friends with non Muslims.
Since I'm a Muslim girl and I basically lived most of my life in the U.S this is a very interesting topic for me and I have a lot to talk about and I will do that in the next couple of posts.


MM said...

I'm still a high school student but I can totally relate to this. I'm a Muslim girl. I'm very active in school. In PE class I play soccer, basketball, softball every sport their is and I'm a modest Muslim girl who wears a Hijab.

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